
Invenio module for collecting statistics.

1. Event processing

Invenio-Stats enables to generate statistics based on Events. Events are just pieces of data sent to Invenio-Stats which are then aggregated and queried.

1.1. Registering an Event type

Each event has a type. Example of event types:

  • file-download: a file has been downloaded.
  • record-view: a record has been read by a user.

A module needs to declare all the event types it provides.

First create a function which will list all the events provided by your Invenio module as well as their default configuration.

# in your_module/
def register_events():
   return [dict(event_type='file-download',

The templates attribute defines the Elasticsearch templates that will be used for indexing the events. The processor related attributes will be explained later.

Once you’ve created the function you need to declare it in the under the entrypoint

# in
    '': [
        'invenio_stats = '

The function enables to dynamically add new events using for example information from the database.

1.2. Enabling an Event type

Only enabled events will be processed by your Invenio instance. Disabled events will just be discarded. This enables to have many events provided by different modules and to enable only required events in your Invenio overlay.

Events are enabled in the configuration like this:

# in
    'file-download': {},

An Invenio overlay should list all the events it wants to process.

Once an event is enabled, a queue is registered in Invenio-Queues. This queue will store all events before they are processed.

1.3. Overriding an event’s default configuration

It is possible to override the default configuration of an event by specifying different templates, processor_class, event_builders, or processor_config in the STATS_EVENTS config variable:

    'file-download': dict(
        templates: 'your_module.mappings.stats.file_download',
        processor_class: your_module.processors.CustomEventsIndexer,
            # Keep only 1 file download for each file and user every
            # 30 sec.
            # Create one index per month which will store file download
            # events.

This is useful when you want to change how an event is created or processed.

Examples of customization:
  • add more fields in the event so that you can later aggregate by those fields.
  • store the events in a different database.
  • filter out some events.

1.4. Emitting Events

Events can be generated either from signals or directly in any module.

In order to automatically generate events when a signal is sent, add signal to the STATS_EVENTS configuration. The following configuration shows how to generate a file-download event when the file_downloaded signal is emitted:

# in
    'file-download': {
        'signal': 'invenio_files_rest.signals.file_downloaded',
        'event_builders': [

The event_builders parameter is a list of functions which will be used to create and enrich the event using the signal information. You can also completely skip sending an event by returning None from any of the functions.

If you prefer to generate your event directly, here is an example:

from .proxies import current_stats

event = dict(

current_stats.publish('my-event-name', [event])

1.5. Emitting Signals

There are different ways of emitting events. One of them is to emit an event every time a signal is triggered. Invenio modules already send many different signals. If no signal exists it is possible to emit your own signals.

# in
from blinker import Namespace

_signals = Namespace()
file_downloaded = _signals.signal('file-downloaded')

# at the point where the event happens
file_downloaded.send(current_app._get_current_object(), obj=obj)

Note that this is optional. It is also possible to directly emit your own events without using signals.

It is possible to completely disable the signal handling by setting STATS_REGISTER_RECEIVERS = False in the configuration.

1.6. Event Processing

Events are queued in AMQP queues, which are by default RabbitMQ queues. These queues are handled by Invenio-Queues.

Invenio-Stats provides the task process_events() which will process every event from the queues. It will instantiate a Processor using the processor_class value from the event configuration and pass the processor_config as parameters.

A processor is just a class which takes a “queue” as constructor parameter and has a run() method.

Invenio-Stats provides the processor EventsIndexer which reads events from the queue and indexes them in Elasticsearch. This processor also accepts a list of preprocessors which are run on every event. These preprocessors are used to filter out or transform events before they are indexed.

It is possible to pass as a parameter a time window in seconds (10s by default) within which, multiple events from the same user to the resource will count as 1, allowing for more accurate statistics.

After the processing has taken place the event is indexed in Elasticsearch, according to the template provided in the event registration. The index is under the alias events-stats-file-download. It is also possible to index events over different intervals (day, month or other).

Having multiple Elasticsearch indices enables the system administrator to delete or archive old indices.

2. Aggregating

The EventsIndexer processor indexes raw events. Querying those events can put a big strain on the Elasticsearch cluster. Thus Invenio-Stats provides a way to compress those events by pre-aggregating them into meaningful statistics.

Example: individual file downoalds events can be aggregated into the number of file download per day and per file.

Aggregations are registered in the same way as events, under the entrypoint invenio_stats.aggregations.

# in
    'invenio_stats.aggregations': [
        'invenio_stats = '

The function returns a dictionary with the configuration for the aggregations.

def register_aggregations():
    return [dict(aggregation_name='file-download-agg',

An aggregator class must be specified. The dictionary aggregator_config contains all the arguments given to its construtor. An Aggregator class is just required to have a run() method.

The default one is StatAggregator and it aggregates events based on their timestamp field. It can aggregate using different time windows and calculate different kinds of metrics using Elasticsearch Metric Aggregations. The events are retrieved from Elasticsearch and the resulting aggregations are indexed in different Elasticsearch indices.

3. Querying

The statistics are accessible via REST API.

The queries are predefined and they are registered in the same way as events and aggregations, under the entrypoint invenio_stats.queries:

# in
    'invenio_stats.queries': [
        'invenio_stats = '

Again the registering function returns the configuraton for the query:

def register_queries():
   return [
                   count=('sum', 'count', {}),
                   avg_size=('avg', 'size', {}),

The logic is identical, we specify the query class, each for a given statistic and the parameters given to its constructor.

An example request fetching statistics is the following:

$ curl -XPOST localhost:5000/stats \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{
           "mystat": {
               "stat": "bucket-file-download-histogram",
               "params": {
                   "interval": "day",
                   "bucket_id": 20,
                   "file_key": "file1.txt"}

The query format is the following:

        "params": {
        "params": {

The response will have the format:


Each Query class is entitled to return custom key-values. However provided Query classes already return a common pattern of fields.

The provided query classes are:

  • ESDateHistogramQuery: histogram style aggregations.
  • ESTermsQuery: aggregation by terms (unique field values).

Those two query classes have a common format for their results:

        "type": "<STATISTIC-TYPE>",
        "key_type": "<AGGREGATION-TYPE (date, terms, ...)>",

The field type is bucket for both as these are bucket aggregations ( see Elasticsearch documentation). The key-type field is used as a helper for UI widgets so that they know how they can display the statistic automatically.

Not every statistic of interest has to be derived from Elasticsearch. It is possible to return statistics by just running an SQL query on the database.

4. Provided statistics

Invenio-Stats provides some default statistics which can be found in invenio_stats.contrib.event_builders.