
Invenio-Stats enables an Invenio instance to generate statistics and access them via a REST API.

Invenio-Stats is based on the requirements gathered from different Invenio based services. A summary can of those requirements can be found here: Invenio-Stats requirements

This module is composed of many different parts, all of them being optional. The main parts are:

  • the generation of events which can be later processed.
  • the processing of events. Example: filtering out downloads made by bots, and then indexing remaining events in Elasticsearch.
  • the compression of events. Querying too many events in an Elasticsearch cluster can put a big strain on it. Thus doing a compression of events makes later queries faster. Example: aggregating the number of downloads per day.
  • the querying of statistics via a REST API. This enables a standardized way of querying statistics.

1. Event generation and processing

Statistics can measure the occurence of an event within the application (e.g. file downloads, record views) by plugging multiple components like this:

digraph G { rankdir=LR; Module [ label="Other Module", width=1.5, height=3, fixedsize=true, // don't allow nodes to change sizes dynamically shape=rectangle color=grey, style=filled, ]; Module -> Emitter [label="(1) signals"]; subgraph cluster_invenio_stats { rank=same; fontsize = 20; label = "Invenio Stats"; style = "solid"; Emitter [label="Event\nEmitter", shape="parallelogram"]; subgraph cluster_celery { label="Celery Tasks" style="dashed" fontsize = 15; Processor [label=<Events<BR/>Indexer<BR/><FONT POINT-SIZE="10">Event Processor</FONT>>, shape=Mcircle] Aggregator [label="Event\nAggregator", shape=Mcircle] } } Queue [label="Message Queue\n(RabbitMQ)", margin=0.2, shape="cds"]; Elasticsearch [label="Elasticsearch", shape="cylinder", height=2]; Emitter -> Queue [label="(2) events"]; Queue -> Processor [label="(3) events"]; Processor -> Elasticsearch [label="(4) processed events"]; Aggregator -> Elasticsearch [label="(5) processed events" dir=back]; Aggregator -> Elasticsearch [label="(6) aggregated statistics"]; }

Invenio-Stats provides an easy way to generate events whenever a signal is sent. However, it is possible to generate your own events.

EventsIndexer is just one example of events processor. As other components it can be replaced.

2. Querying

The statistics are accessible via REST API.

digraph G { rankdir=LR; WEB [ label="WEB", shape=rectangle, color=grey, style=filled, width=1.5, height=3, ] WEB -> REST [label="(1) HTTP request"]; REST -> WEB [label="(6) HTTP response"]; subgraph cluster_invenio_stats { fontsize = 20; label = "Invenio Stats"; style = "solid"; REST [ label="Statistics\nREST API\n/api/stats/", shape=rectangle, width=1.5, height=3, ] Query [label="Aggregation\nQuery", shape="Msquare"] REST -> Query [label="(2) query"]; Query -> REST [label="(5) statistics"]; } Elasticsearch [label="Elasticsearch", shape="cylinder", height=2]; Query -> Elasticsearch [label="(3) query"]; Elasticsearch -> Query [label="(4) stats"]; }

Not every statistic of interest has to be derived from Elasticsearch. It is possible to retrieve statistics by just running and SQL query on the database. Examples:

  • number of users per community.
  • number of records per collection.
  • number of records under embargo.
  • number of new files per month.

Elasticsearch is mainly used for events which happen very often and thus generate a big volume of data. Invenio-Stats provide components to easily generate statistics out of events previously aggregated in Elasticsearch.